Kungl. Musikaliska akademien, Ledamotssalen, Blasieholmstorg 8, Stockholm

The Society for Eighteenth-Century Music – INSTÄLLT

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Conference Program

Wednesday, March 18

Optional Excursion to the 18th-century theatres at Drottningholm and Ulriksdal

Thursday, March 19
Royal Swedish Academy of Music — Ledamotsalen

Welcome (Pia Bygdéus, Fredrik Weetterqvist, Bertil van Boer, Guido Olivieri)

9:00-10:30 Session I: Sweden and the Swedish Musical Legacy

Ana Lombardía (Madrid), “From Madrid to Stockholm: Eighteenth-Century Violin Fandangos and the Shaping of Musical ‘Spanishness’”

Alan Swanson (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), “Figaro without a Wig: The First Mozart Operas in Stockholm”

Erik Wallrup (Södertörn University, Stockholm), “An Academy of Academies: The Cultural Transfer of the ‘Academy of Music’ to Sweden”

11:00-12:30 Session II: Music and the Theatre

Kelly Christensen (Stanford University), “A Print-Mediated Reception History of André Grétry before the Revolution”

Austin Glatthorn (Durham University), “German Music Theatre in Central Europe c.1800: Mobility, Repertory, and Audience”

Bella Brover-Lubovsky (Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance), “Armida’s Magic Gardens in the ‘Northern Palmira’ or an Inauguration of the Hermitage Theatre”


14:00-15:30 Session III: Interconnections Through Song and Sacred Music

Alison DeSimone (University of Missouri-Kansas City), “Contrived with So Great a Variety: Handel and Musical Miscellany in Early Eighteenth-Century London”

Christopher Parton (Princeton University), “Transatlantic Musical Aesthetics and the Legitimation of Handel’s Music in Early-Republic Boston”

Myron Gray (Haverford College), “Charles Dibdin’s Transatlantic Networks: Late Georgian Music in the Early American Republic”

16:00-18:00 Meeting and Reception with Members of the Royal Academy of Music

Research Projects: The Roman Project and the Levande musikarkiv

19:30-21:00 Riddarhussalen

"En gustaviansk lustutflykt: Palmstedts diktarkrets och deras vänner vid Bellmans ´Fiskar-Stugan´."

Plenary Lecture, Bertil van Boer and Concert “Carl Michael Bellman and Joseph Martin Kraus at the Fiskarstuga”

Friday, March 20
Royal Swedish Academy of Music — Ledamotsalen

8:30-10:30 Session IV: Cross-Cultural Interconnections

Morton Wan (Cornell University), “Technology, Musical Alphabetism, and Intercultural Encounters: The Keyboard Interface between China and the West in the Eighteenth Century”

Māra Grudule (University of Latvia), “The Peasant at the Piano, or Did the Duchess of Courland (Dorothea von Biron, 1761–1821) Sing in Latvian?

Beverly Wilcox (California State University, Sacramento), “Ducharger’s Russian Traveler: Stalkoff, gentilhomme russe en France and the Problem of Extracting Performance Information from Satire”

11:00-12:30 Session V: Eighteenth-Century Singers

Bruce Alan Brown (University of Southern California), “The Gargarismi of Lazzaro Paoli: Singing, Pharmacology, and Castration in Eighteenth-Century Tuscany”

Margaret Butler (University of Wisconsin-Madison), “Constructing the Eighteenth-Century Diva: Caterina Gabrielli and the Persistence of Memory”

John D. Wilson (Austrian Academy of Sciences), “Italian Arias for Magdalena—or for Luigi? An Odd Repertoire of Early Vocal Works by Beethoven, Andreas Romberg, and Anton Reicha”


14:00-15:30 Session VI: The Role of Women and Their Legacy

Kimary Fick (Oregon State University), “Feeling the Feminine, Forming the Masculine: Amateur Male Musicians and the Flute Sonatas of Anna Bon di Venezia (1738–?)”

Julia Doe (Columbia University), “Madame de Lusse, Music Engraving, and France’s ‘Artisanal’ Enlightenment”

Sterling E. Murray (West Chester University), “The Keyboard Concertos of Anna (Nanette) von Schaden: Composition Lessons for a Dilettante Composer”

16:00-18:30 Session VII: Roundtable of Dissertations in Progress

Ashley A. Greathouse (College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati), “Facilitating Social Emulation: Music in the London Pleasure Gardens, 1660–1859”

Maryam Haiawi (Universität Hamburg), “Interconfessional and Intercontinental Aspects of Oratorio in the Eighteenth Century”

Karina Valnumsen Hansen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), “Composed Politics? Mozart’s Singspiele and Their Reflection of Political and Socio-Cultural Discourse in Late Eighteenth-Century Vienna”

Nathaniel Mitchell (Princeton University), “The ‘Se cerca’ Script: Conventions and Meaning in an Eighteenth-Century Aria Tradition”

Christian Moritz-Bauer (Institut für Musikwissenschaft der Universität Wien), “The Symphonic Work of Joseph Haydn and Its Relationship to Contemporary Theatre Praxis”

Joel Schnackel (University of Memphis), “Johann Sperger’s Musical Career: Strategies of an Entrepreneurial Composer”

Saturday, March 21
Van den Nootska Palace, Södermalm — Swedenborg Salen

9:00-10:30 Session VIII: Europe and the Americas

Faith S. Lanam (University of California, Santa Cruz), “A Neapolitan Conservatory in New Spain: A Contextual Analysis of the Contributions of Italian Pedagogues to a Mexican Girls’ School”

Louise K. Stein (University of Michigan), “An Opera Producer’s Legacy in the Americas”

Pierpaolo Polzonetti (University of California, Davis), “African-American Presence and Anti-Slavery Ideology in Mozart’s Vienna”

Magnus Tessing Schneider (Stockholms universitet), “Which Savages? Ranieri Calzabigi’s Amiti e Ontario o I selvaggi (Žleby 1772)”

11:00-12:30 Session IX: Oratorios and other Interconnected Celebrations

Paul Corneilson (C. P. E. Bach: The Complete Works [The Packard Humanities Institute]), “Hamburg Celebrating Gustav: C. P. E. Bach’s Spiega, Ammonia fortunata, Wq 216”

Todd Rober (Kutztown University), “Court Society and the Hunt: Liminal Intersections in Two Characteristic Sinfonias of Gottlob Harrer (1703–1755)”

Holly J. Roberts (University of Oregon), “Neoplatonic Mysticism and Affective Piety in Quirino Colombani’s Il martirio de Santa Cecilia”


14:00-15:30 Session X: Passions, Poetics, and Partimenti

Adrianna de Feo (University of Vienna), “The Intellectual Background of a Librettist: Apostolo Zeno’s Drammi and the Rhetoric of Passions”

Nicola Usula (Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales, Madrid), “DIDONE: A Digital Approach to Music and Emotions in Metastasian Arias”

Peter van Tour (Norwegian Academy of Music), “New Light on the Earliest History of ‘A German School of Partimento’ (1695–1710)”