Adopted by the government on December 22, 2020
1§ Patron
The Royal Academy of Music enjoys the exalted patronage of H.M. the King.
Mission of the Academy
2§ Mission
The mission of the Academy is to promote musical art and musical life.
It shall thereby monitor developments in Swedish and international musical life, take initiatives to benefit musical culture, and support education, research, and artistic developmental work in the diverse spheres of music.
Composition of the Academy
3§ Number of members
Besides the members above the age of 70, the Academy consists of
Within the Academy, diverse spheres of musical life must be represented in a manner that corresponds well with the mission and operations of the Academy.
4§ Eligibility
Swedish citizens below the age of 70 can be elected Swedish members if they pursue music, as art or an academic discipline, or have made outstanding contributions to musical art or musical life.
Citizens of foreign countries below the age of 70 who have been longstanding residents in Sweden and been active in Swedish musical life but have retained their foreign citizenship may be elected as Swedish members at the discretion of the board.
Foreign citizens who have made substantial contributions within one of the Academy’s spheres and who are adjudged to warrant association with the Academy can be elected as Foreign members. Contacts with Swedish musical life are to be regarded as a merit in this connection.
Individuals who have promoted the Academy or its interests in extraordinarily meritorious ways can be elected as Honorary members.
5§ Resignation
Members have the right to resign from the Academy.
6§ Expulsion
Any member who egregiously acts in conflict with the interests of the Academy or in some other way can be regarded as having tarnished the public’s trust in the Academy may be expelled from the Academy following scrutiny by the board, interrogation of the member in question, and a decision at a Session of the Academy. Such a decision requires a quorum of at least 40 members in personal attendance and the support of a majority of at least two thirds of those present.
Organization and Modus Operandi of the Academy
Academy Sessions
7§ The Session
The Session is the Academy’s highest decision-making body.
The Academy holds four regular Sessions per year, two in the spring and two in the autumn. The Board is empowered to summon Extra Sessions.
At the Session decisions are made regarding
Only the Swedish members have the right to vote at Sessions.
A plan of projected operations must be presented to the Session each year.
At each Session an operational report must be submitted, especially if decisions are to be taken in matters of great importance in terms of principles and finances.
At each Session, minutes must be kept and be approved by the person chairing the Session as well as two members.
8§ The Gala Session
Besides the Sessions named in 7§, once every year the Academy holds its Gala Session in public. At this Session the permanent secretary shall provide an account of the year’s activities.
9§ Announcement
The time and place of coming autumn and spring Sessions are to be announced to the Academy’s Swedish members in the month of May.
10§ Summons
A summons to attend a Session must be delivered to the Academy’s Swedish members at least one week prior to the day of the Session and contain information about matters to be considered at the Session.
The time and place of any Extra Session must be communicated in writing at least two weeks in advance.
If a member wishes a certain matter to be considered at a Session and thereby be the subject of a decision, this should be registered well ahead of time to allow the Board to make preparations.
No decision may be taken regarding any matter not on the agenda for the Session without the unanimous consent of the Session.
At Extra Sessions, no matter may be considered apart from those stated in the summons.
Ahead of the Session at which the year-end closing is to be presented and adopted, all documents relating to the closing of accounts must be available to members at the Academy office at least one week in advance.
11§ Auditors
At the first regular autumn Session, two auditors and two deputy auditors, along with an accredited auditor, who is not a member, shall be appointed to scrutinize the accounts of the Academy and the Board’s management of the resources of the Academy in the coming calendar year.
12§ Tabling
If at least five members wish to table a matter that is being considered for the first time, the matter must be postponed until the next regular Session unless there are special circumstances that require an immediate decision.
13§ Quorum
The Academy Session has a quorum if at least 30 members are personally in attendance. However, for decisions about amending the Charter or expulsion, at least 40 members must be in personal attendance.
Regarding elections and the election of new members, at least 40 members must be represented at the Session, at least 30 of them in person.
Regarding requirements for supermajorities for certain decisions and for proxies, see 6§ and 25§.
The Board
14§ Duties
The Board is responsible for leading and developing the activities of the Academy.
It is incumbent on the Board to
15§ Composition, terms of office
The Board consists of a president and two vice presidents as well as six members and two deputy members.
The president chairs the Board. In the absence of the president, one of the vice presidents serves as chair. The Board is elected among the Academy’s Swedish members. The president and vice presidents are elected for a term of three years and other members and deputies for two years.
If a Board member should resign during a term of office, a replacement may be elected (30–33§§). No employee of the Academy may serve on the Board.
16§ Summons
A summons to attend a Board meeting, accompanied by an agenda and other meeting documents, must be delivered to Board members at least one week prior to the day of the meeting.
17§ Minutes
Minutes of the meeting are kept and approved by the chair and one member. Members have the right to have dissenting opinions registered in the minutes.
18§ Quorum, rapporteur
The Board has a quorum when at least six members, including the president or one of the vice presidents, are in attendance. Decisions are made by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chair decides.
The permanent secretary of the Academy serves as rapporteur to the Board and participates in deliberations but not in decisions.
Presidium and permanent secretary
19§ The Presidium
The presidium consists of president and two vice presidents. It is tasked with preparing the work of the Board. Minutes of presidium meetings are to be kept.
20§ Permanent secretary
The Board appoints the permanent secretary to the Academy. This officer leads day-to-day operations at the Academy and manages its office and staff.
Other working bodies of the Academy
21§ Working bodies
The Board establishes the organization of operations which, besides what is stipulated above and in 22§, are deemed necessary for the execution of the Academy’s duties in accordance with 2§.
Financial management
22§ Administrative committee
The Board appoints an administrative committee to be responsible, under the Board, for managing the Academy’s foundational endowment and other assets. It is to strive to attain long-term security and solid yields in accordance with the investment regulations.
23§ Budget year
The Academy’s budget and accounting year corresponds to the calendar year.
24§ Audit
Academy accounts and the Board’s management are to be audited no later than the during the month of April. The auditors’ report is to be submitted to the Academy’s Session before the end of the month of May.
Election of new members and elections
25§ Proxy
At Sessions where the election of new members or elections are to take place, members who are unable to attend may give another member of the Academy a proxy letter empowering the latter to vote in their place throughout the entire election procedure. Each member may represent only one (1) voting member as a proxy.
Election of new members
26§ Preparations for electing new members
When a Swedish or Foreign member attains the age of 70 or leaves the Academy for some other reason, a vacancy is created. Such vacancies are to be filled by the election of new members. Regarding eligibility for election, see regulations in 4§. Elections of new Academy members are to be prepared by the Board and are to take place at the second regular Session of the year. In advance of this Session, the Board shall announce, by decision, to the members how many Swedish vacancies have occurred and are to be filled and, respectively, how many Foreign vacancies should be filled. In this connection the Board is to state which spheres of musical life and what special expert knowledge or other competence it deems would benefit the Academy.
On the initiative of the Board, election of Honorary members may take place at a regular election Session. The Board has the right of nomination in this connection.
27§ Notice
Decisions under 26§ shall be communicated by the permanent secretary to the Academy’s voting members urging them to submit, by a certain deadline, at least three weeks after delivery of the communication, a written suggestion for one or more individuals to be elected as (a) new member(s) and justifications for the suggestion(s).
Such suggestions may not be submitted by members of the Board or by the permanent secretary.
28§ Suggestions for new members to be elected
After suggestions under 27§ have been received, the permanent secretary is to compile lists of eligible individuals, one list for the election of Swedish members, one list for electing Foreign members, and, when applicable, one list for electing Honorary members.
These lists must comprise all suggestions of eligible individuals that have been submitted in the current year and in the preceding two years in accordance with 27§.
Subsequent to this, the Board is to choose its slate of considered nomination(s) for new member(s), which must be selected from the suggestions submitted. The slate of chosen nominee(s), along with justifications and lists of all eligible individuals, is to be communicated to voting members no later than three weeks prior to the election Session.
29§ Election procedure
The election takes place in two rounds. In the first round, ballots for Swedish and Foreign members, respectively, shall contain the Board’s nomination(s). Each and every one of these nominations may be replaced with another name, taken from the lists of suggested names that were sent out. Within the framework of the number of vacancies, those candidates are elected who received the highest number of votes and were featured in more than half of the ballots submitted in the first round.
If the first round does not fill all vacancies, a second election round is to be carried out. Ballots for the second round are to comprise the number of remaining vacancies multiplied by two. The names are to correspond to those who received the highest number of votes in the first election round apart from those who have already been elected.
Should more candidates have received the lowest number of votes needed to be included in the second election round, the round is to be expanded to include all of them. Within the framework of the number of vacancies to be filled, each candidate is elected who received the most votes and was included in more than half of the ballots submitted in the second election round.
Should multiple candidates have received the lowest number of votes required for election as a new member to be valid, they are elected, and the number of vacancies is temporarily increased.
From the time of the submission of the first ballot, no further member may gain access to the premises until the entire voting procedure has been completed.
Election of the Board
30§ Notice
At the second regular autumn Session, requisite elections are to be carried out of the president, vice presidents, and other members and deputy members of the Board for the term starting at the beginning of the next calendar year (regarding eligibility, terms of office, see 15§). In advance of said Session, the permanent secretary is to inform voting members in writing which Board seats will be vacant and thereby encourage them to submit, before a certain deadline, not less than three weeks after said notice was sent, written suggestions, including justifications, for suitable candidates for the Board.
For special elections to replace the president, vice presidents, or other Board members, an election is to be carried out at the next possible regular Session, observing the routines for electing the Board prescribed in this section and in 31–32§§.
31§ Nominating Committee, suggestions
Board elections are to be prepared by a Nominating Committee. They are to set up their own nominations, in accordance with 33§, including justifications, thereby taking care to ensure that the Board will have a composition that diversely reflects the various spheres of musical life.
The Nominating Committee’s proposal, together with other suggestions received, must be communicated to members at least three weeks prior to the election Session.
32§ Alternate suggestions
Members not wishing to support the Nominating Committee’s proposal regarding a certain election round under 33§ must submit to the permanent secretary, in writing, at least ten days prior to the election Session, a complete, alternate suggestion corresponding to such an election round. This suggestion must be immediately communicated to Academy members.
No further nominations may be put forward at the election Session.
33§ Election procedure
Elections to the Board are carried out in three rounds of secret balloting:
Voting in the latter two rounds involves choosing among complete sets of candidates.
For elections to the Board, the following voting rules shall apply:
In the event that a different presidium is elected than the one nominated by the Nominating Committee, any succeeding election to the Board shall be carried out at the immediately following Session. In this connection it is incumbent on the Nominating Committee to present a new suggestion ahead of the new election at hand which is adapted to both the newly elected presidium and the Board in general. Academy members shall thereafter be provided with a new opportunity to submit any alternative suggestions, as prescribed in 32§.
Election of Nominating Committee
34§ Election of Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee consists of eight Swedish members, five of whom are regular Committee members and three of whom are deputies. The term of office is two years, with two or three Committee members and one or two deputies, respectively, to be elected every year. The Nominating Committee appoints its own chair.
Members of the Nominating Committee are elected in direct connection with the election of the Academy Board. Voting members of the Academy are to be urged to submit in writing, by a certain deadline, at least three weeks after notice was sent, suggestions for members in the Nominating Committee corresponding to the number of seats falling vacant. Suggestions submitted must be communicated to Academy members no later than three weeks prior to the regular election of Board members.
The election is to be held at the election Session without prior preparations. It is to be carried out by secret ballot based on the suggestions submitted. Those candidates who individually received the highest number of votes are elected in order, with the regular member seats filled first, followed by the deputy member seats.
Amending the Charter
35§ Amending the Charter
Decisions to amend the Academy Charter require identically worded decisions at two successive Sessions, with a two-thirds majority voting in favor at both of these Sessions.
Proposed amendments to the Charter must be communicated in writing to the Swedish members of the Academy at least three weeks prior to the Session at which the Academy is to take a stand on the proposal.
36§ Adoption
Decisions to amend the Charter must be submitted to the government for adoption.