The Royal Swedish Academy of Music has funds at its disposal for music research. These are distributed in the form of grants and prizes.
Grants can be applied for twice annually, in spring and autumn, the application closing dates being 1 March and 1 October respectively. Awards are announced, as a rule, in the month following the application closing date.
Applications received after the closing date will be considered on the next following decision date.
Who can apply?
The grants can be applied for by students taking Master’s programmes (prior to their degree projects), postgrads and researchers active in or outside higher education establishments in Sweden. An application may refer to artistic music research, music education research, musicology research or music-related research in other disciplines.
Grants can be awarded to
Grants will not be awarded
How to make out your application
No special application forms are needed.
Applications are to be e-mailed with attached file/-s.
Describe the purpose to which your application refers, explaining the importance of the intended activity for your research. Explain why you wish to attend a certain conference, procure certain source data material, conduct an interview etc (at the maximum of 4 pages).
Enclose a short CV in 1 page.
Enclose an estimate of the project overheads and how they are to be covered.
If you are a researcher/teacher or postgrad on the staff of a university or college, your calculation must show which items are being funded by your department and for which ones you request funding from the Academy.
As a postgrad, you must also enclose:
If you are a Master’s student, you are to enclose a certificate from your supervisor/tutor containing a clearly reasoned endorsement of the purpose to which your application refers.
In the case of conference participation, a grant can be awarded only if the applicant’s paper has been accepted as part of the conference programme. Confirmation of acceptance is to be enclosed with the application.
If you are applying for a grant towards travel and living expenses, your costing estimate must be based on the cheapest options. Travel ought primarily to be by rail.
If you are applying for a travel grant in connection with studies of source materials away from your home area, you must specify any efforts you have made to gain access to the data material.
You are to state whether you have applied for, or intend to apply for, funding for the same (or a similar) purpose from any other source.
Grantees’ accountability
A grant recipient must, within a reasonable space of time, furnish the Academy with an exhaustive report on the use made of the grant, including all receipts. Submission of such a report is a precondition for any award of further funding.
Send your application to
Pia Bygdéus